Speeding Offence Lawyer
Contact speeding offence lawyer Alistair Haskett on 0800 ROAD LEGAL (0800 762353)
Speeding Offence Lawyers
Got a speeding ticket? Tired of the increasing creep of revenue collecting speed cameras and cops hiding in the bushes?
ROAD LEGAL ® is your Speed Specialist. We can help you fight back.

We don’t buy into the fake news we hear from the New Zealand Police and NZTA. Speed doesn’t kill, poor decisions do.
We’ve been saying that for years.
Road safety depends on all sorts of things, like the quality of roads, vehicle technologies and capabilities, driver training and decision making, and enforcement visibility and powers. Nowadays there are far more cars and miles travelled, and far less accidents. Our true incidence of road deaths has been cut by some 75% since 1989. This huge improvement in road safety statistics coincides with better roads, better cars, staged driver licensing, and improved policing. It’s not just about speed or alcohol.
We should carefully examine government adverts and use of statistics about speeding. We’ve all seen the adverts about how speed kills. But what does that really mean and how fairly is this being put? In 1973 New Zealand lowered the speed limit from 100km/h to 80km/h because of the oil crisis. Over the next 10 years there was a 17% increase in fatalities despite a lower speed limit. Similar results have been found in Canada and the United States of America, where increasing speed limits has lowered crash rates by between 8 and 13%.
Experts agree that the New Zealand Police deliberately misrepresent the truth about the role of speed in accident statistics. Others say police perpetuate dangerous driving by ignoring idiot and slow drivers. When was the last time you saw police charge the slow driver for inconsiderate driving, an actual offence against s 37 of the Land Transport Act, rather than slapping an easy money speeding ticket on the safe driver overtaking the idiot?
If speed alone was dangerous we would expect thousands of police officers to be charged with dangerous driving offences. While police are exempt from speed limits when on urgent duty, they are never exempt from dangerous driving. In other words, police speed legally but not dangerously on tens of thousands of urgent call outs every year, because police know that speed is not dangerous in itself.
Then there’s the double standards. In 2015 over 1000 police officers, some 8500 NZTA vehicles and some 3900 Crown cars (presumably carrying politicians and other government actors) were shown to have broken speed limits. Most of those were not on urgent duty or exempt from the speed limit. Most were simply breaking the law that they are supposed to enforce and promote. Just the police speeding itself amassed some $200,000.00 of fines in 2015.
Wonder if the New Zealand Police completed s 133 declarations to name the officers driving and have them pay the bill? Surely the New Zealand Police would’t shield their officers from misconduct by waiving speeding infringements or paying them as the vehicle owner, using taxpayer recirculated dollars? Aren’t the fines suppose to be about deterring speeding drivers, including police officers? Or doesn’t the law apply equally to police?

What’s worse to us than the hypocrisy of police officers, NZTA staff and other government actors breaking the law is the propaganda that they push in the media about how speed kills. Yes we should obey speed limits because that’s the law, but don’t tell us that exceeding a speed limit is in itself dangerous. That is simply wrong and disingenuous. No man can rewrite the law of physics, and no man should mislead us – especially using taxpayer money whilst they break the law themselves!
Now the government wants to erode our privacy further by adding point to point cameras to their revenue collecting tools – despite there being no evidence it works and the great majority of people seemingly not wanting them.
There are many cases and studies that show dangerous driving is a fact specific assessment and that speed in itself is not dangerous. Perhaps a more interesting way to highlight the point is to take a look at this clip:
A study done at the University of Western Australia has also found that strict enforcement of speed limits can actually make drivers more dangerous:
Call 0800 ROAD LEGAL for if you need advice on demerit points or a speeding offence lawyer. Police radars and speed cameras and their operators are not infallible, despite what police and manufacturers may say.